Wednesday, December 5, 2007


It's funny how God has many of your friends deal with the same issues you deal with, simultaneously.

A friend of mine wrote this and I think it says a lot. Check it out...

"Strength is perfection in weakness.
Strength is not resistance to change.
Strength is not durability, nor is it longevity.
Strength is perfection in weakness.
Strength is wrought with inability.
It is infused with shortcomings and limitations.
Strength is perfection in weakness.
Strength is not something you strive for, it is something that is bestowed.
Strength cannot be seized, because you have no access to it naturally.
Strength has nothing to do with being strong; it has everything to do with being weak.
Strength cannot come in a day, it may not even come in a year, strength may not even surface in a decade.
Strength is perfection in weakness.
Strength has nothing to do with you.
Strength has everything to do with Him.
Strength is the end of your road, and the beginning of His.
Strength will fail you inevitably, weakness will persist indefinitely.
But that’s when it all happens.
That’s when you give up.
That’s when you surrender.
That’s when HIS strength is made perfect in YOUR weakness.
Strength has nothing to do with being strong; it has everything to do with weakness.
Strength is perfection in weakness."

So if you ever see someone that is strong or seems to posses a lot of strength, if it is indeed TRUE strength, then you are looking at a very weak person.
Strength is a measure of your weakness. Be vulnerable. Be weak.

Going off of that... man, you ever feel like nothing is going right? You have your head above water, but just barely. You are constantly asking God to put you where He wants you and you see no change. You have asked God to search your heart and bring any hidden sin to light so that it can be taken care of... but yet again, you are dealing with all of your issues, but seeing no results. This is when God is screaming at us, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!!"

God reminded me of this recently. He said something like, "When are you going to stop asking me to take action, and start asking me if you can be a part of MY action?"

Whoa nelly... talkin' about a reality check. I had to stand back and think for a moment. All the things I'm asking God to do or let me be apart of, did I ever really ask Him for His advice? Did I ever consult Him on His desires? Were they based out of selfish motives or were they truly for the kingdom?

Fact is... we have to daily surrender to His plans, His will, and His ways. I know for me, my flesh is weak. My heart is fragile. If I'm not careful, I begin thinking that God is a God of contingency, but He's not. It's not a work based faith. He must know our hearts are pure.... He knows our motives. I've been comforted that if things aren't going exactly how you had planned, praise God. He sees the whole picture. He sees how we must be in order to truly fulfill our destiny in the kingdom. It's all about Him and His kingdom... bottom line. When we forget that, sure... things don't go right. We get frustrated. We get angry and hurt. It's ok... He holds your heart more closely than even you in your own chest. Be relieved He has your best interest in mind. He wouldn't withhold from you the treasures He's prepared for you. It's about timing and readiness? Are you ready?

Be Blessed, til later....