Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Being in His presence ALL the time...

I've had quite a lot of incredible experiences lately. I see God in everything these days. You ever just feel like there is something more to this thing we call "being a Christian?" Well, I'm here to tell you there's a whole lot more. There's a fullness that we can experience in our Christian walk that is like nothing else. Once you've tasted His glory, you'll never want to go back to being a "normal" Christian again.

I have learned that half the battle is just being so wrapped up in Jesus' love for us. He loves us and we are saved by grace and by grace alone. End of story. He sent His beloved son to die so that we might be saved and through Jesus alone, we will one day meet our Father. He allowed His son to die so that we don't have to. He allowed the world to kill the Son of God to create many Sons of God. What an honor to be a child of the utmost?!

Anyhoo.... so yesterday, I had to run some errands for work. I know this sounds crazy, but I do work... sometimes. ;o) I went up to Walgreens to get some stuff. I was in the checkout line and all of a sudden God just downloaded some things to me about the cashier. She was an elderly woman who had such a gentle spirit. I heard in my spirit that she had been praying for one of her daughters for a very long time and that this daughter was sick in some way. I also felt as though she had asked God for confirmation that he hears her prayers. He continued to tell me more about the situation as I began to ask... well what do you want me to do Lord? He said tell her. As she was handing me back my change, I very nonchalantly asked if she had a daughter. He said yes and that she actually had three. Then she wanted to know why I was asking. Well, I went on to tell her exactly what God had shared with me about her daughter and that her healing was coming if she remained diligent in her prayers about this particular situation. She began to cry and I could tell God was touching her. It was incredible. God was able to minister to her on such a personal level. I then asked her if I could just pray for her and her daughter right there in the line. She was more than obliged. I was awestruck. God is simply amazing.

I left knowing that He had spoken to both of us with such accuracy that there was no room to discredit His power. Needless to say, I love Jesus.

That's not all... it's more than enough, but that's not it for the miraculous of events for yesterday. I then walked out of Walgreens to see this guy on crutches walking down the road. I heard as plain as day... pick him up. I was like Jesus...lol, you sure about this? He was sure.

Anyhoo, I then was able to talk to this guy the entire trip to Red Bank. God ministered to him as well and continued to blow me away.

The day was full of constant things happening like that... and was incredible to say the least. I say all of this though, for no other reason than to just give God glory and encourage each of you to walk in the fullness of His glory and what He has in store for your life. He has given you so much to operate in even now in your walk. Take up your cross daily and allow Him to be Lord over all...

Until later... Be blessed and be a blessing.

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