Saturday, May 19, 2007

Moving On

It's really early in the am...
Today is Erskine's graduation. I've got a couple of really close friends whom I dare not go see walk that walk. It's amazing how fast time flies. I've been out of college for over a year and my life is nothing how I pictured it would be, but better than I ever imagined. It's definitely different, but in a good, sovereign way.

I'm beginning to realize that who I was and who I am are conflicting notions. Not necessarily my personality and how I interact with people, but my views on life and of circumstances. I've grown up a lot since having to be on my own in this world, living by myself, paying my bills, working full-time jobs, but it's been good. I'm not gonna lie, life after college is a beast, not because it's hard, but because it's different. It is worth every minute.

I often catch myself looking at my friends who are younger and getting so excited for them. The next 4 years of your lives, be it you are graduating from high school or from college, will be some of the most interesting, stressful, awesome, scary, and life-changing years you ever experience. Take it one day at a time, piece by piece, savoring each moment. Take some time out to breathe... it's required.

I guess this is an ode to the graduates, whatever stage you are at. I love each of you whom I know personally and wish you the best. Be encouraged that this is the beginning of a beautiful change in your life. Don't be afraid of the unknown but excited about the potential. Life is always full of surprises. When I look at where I am now, verses where I thought I'd be, there are no comparisons, but I wouldn't change a thing (minus all the sin it took to get me

I know I have been stuck on this verse for a long time, but it's seriously one of the most encouraging verses to me, plus the fact that God is really stressing it to me this month. It's not overwhelming, but a reminder. A reminder of a God who has it all together. A God who knows what's best for you. But more than that... A God who loves you more than we can even fathom what love is.

Seek to understand...
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
~ Ephesians 3:20-21

God has no time restraints, nor limitations. He is not bound by what our feeble minds think our lives should end up like. As long as we're giving all the credit to where it is due, we'll never cease to be amazed at what God can do with a lil' bit of willingness. Praise God, we have something on a higher power than that of ourselves orchestrating this thing we call life.

I'm feeling some inspiration start up... gotta save it for another day though, after I do a lil' more

Have a beautiful day and love on people. It's what we're called to do and you know that somewhere deep down inside your body, it'll give you the warm fuzzies. Love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

amaze me.
I love that verse, i can see why it's so powerful to you.
And thank you for the encoragement.