Thursday, May 17, 2007


It's hard to be an adult. There are always things that get in the way of being a kid again. You have responsibilities, people who look up to you, duties, you name it. Praise Jesus there are moments when are souls can be refreshed. I look forward to moments with close friends, catching up on the issues in our lives. I look forward to coming home to my dog who loves me unconditionally. I look forward to the breeze blowing when I'm sitting in the grass. I look forward to some of the smallest of things and am so thankful that I can experience them. I just had the privilege to buy a lawnmower this past week. Now... you'd think... no one in their right mind would be excited about buying a lawn mower, but seriously, this was the highlight of my last 2 weeks. To know that I've worked hard for something, put it to use, and made something else more beautiful just gives me joy like nothing else recently. I have one of the sweetest neighbors ever and she said to me a little while ago how they may need to borrow it... needless to say, I got even more excited. It's as if I can think about what good this lil' lawn mower will do and I just sigh, in refreshment. Love is like that too. God's love... When I feel so sad and as if the whole world has forgotten about love, someone or something gives me hope yet again. Constant renewal. I have no idea what is to come. I can't even begin to imagine, but I look forward to the simplest of times. I look forward to tomorrow...

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
~ Ephesians 3:20-21

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