Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Enslaved by Flesh

I'm such an awful person. I realized yet again yesterday how truly bad I am, without Christ. I must die daily to self, surrendering each problem, each frustration, each need. It is only He who lives within me that does any good. It's so humbling. If I were not saved by grace, I would not be where I am nor do what I do. God knows my strengths and weaknesses inside and out. Life is all about me figuring out what those things are and how I handle each one.

At the same time, it's amazing to be able to thank God for each moment that I'm here, daily a lil' blessing in this grand scheme. I learn something new everyday. I love listening to my friends, hearing about their lives and what they deal with. We're here to help each other, through the good and the bad. Keep that in mind when someone needs you. Sometimes all a person needs is an ear, not your advice. They need to know someone cares, not necessarily hear your answer to their problem.

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
- 2nd Corinthians 12:9

So here me now, I will gladly boast that I struggle. I will gladly boast that it is God who makes me who I am. It's all because of God that I don't daily go off on customers or family members. When I do, it's a reminder that it is only because of He who lives within me that I am capable of any good. It also reminds me that I am probably not where I should be. When we are right where God wants us, it's much easier to treat someone as Christ would treat them. When we are off doing our own thing, not in His word, not talking to Him daily... typically, we will do our own thing in every circumstance, meaning we'll let our flesh get in the way of our ministry. When we admit our struggles, He is able to do so much with our willing vessels. Never limit what God can do in you and through you. Sometimes a smile is all it takes to make someone's day and sometimes a harsh word can do just the opposite.

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
- Proverbs 15:1

Tis so true. If a bad word slips out, if I am rude to someone, if I just don't have a good attitude, it's not justifiable in any sense, but that's me. I'm a sinner saved by grace and any good that I do is merely because of my God.

I'm not perfect and praise Jesus for that. I'd hate to know I'm responsible for every soul in this universe. It's an awesome blessing to know God is in control and keeps me snuggled in His arms everyday. The beautiful thing is... you are too.


Unknown said...

Megan YOU make ME smile. a lot.
and the fact that you are close enough with God to say that he Snuggles you, is amazing. and gives me somthing to aspire to as a christian.
Thank you for the very funny first day. and i will be looking forward to many more.

Katie Marie said...

Megan - I miss you! I must see you again soon!