Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time to Decide

So, I've been thinking... When one has to make big decisions, how should it be handled? Well.. I've come to the conclusion that I am incapable of making good decisions so why try to do it on my own. I've learned that praying about every little things seems to work better than any reason or rhyme I try to make up. I hate how sometimes when you have tons of people around you, but you have no one at all. It's a wild state to be in. You know that it's alright, but yet you are constantly battling a force that you can't quite get your hands around. Staying busy is good, but then when the business still doesn't quiet the concern, where do you go then? It seems as though no one gets it these days. People are always self-consumed and times are changing. Trends are forever popular and everyone thinks that the whole world is out to get them. News flash... it's not about us. Everyone is struggling. Everyone is hurting. Believe it or not, no one has it together. If we can learn to be completely transparent and just love, I mean a sincere love... something big will happen. When we leave our selfish motives behind and realize there is a greater good at stake, maybe then we'll see the bigger picture. I don't know what tomorrow brings. I don't know what next week holds, but I do know that each moment has enough concern of its own. I could sit here all day and say philosophical stuff that is insightful and enlightening, but why? To impress someone, to make someone want to know more about me, to create conversation? Or is it that I just need a release? When the words don't seem to make it out and nothing makes sense on the inside, how do you help yourself? When you try to put into words what you really feel and all you can say is "I freaked out," what does that really mean? Hmm... so Courtney just showed me something super neat. This whole blogging thing is new to me. Apparently, I can save this for later. I must go cut some hair... so until later.

Well... refreshment. That's something to think about. When we change something about ourselves, it's refreshing. We feel like we have a new lease on a life that may be humdrum. I really feel like a jack of all trades, master of none... It's somewhat frustrating because I really don't know what I'm really good at. I don't know who I am... or what I truly enjoy. Seriously... who am I and what are my passions?


Unknown said...

suprisingly that all made sense to me, and i don't know how.
But selfishness has been coming up a lot in my readings and my prayer and my discussions, and i think that that is the next beig movement to be made by God.
Sincere Love is somthing a lot of ppl try at but never realize they don't have....we should all work towards it.

Courtney said...

i see you figured out how to add pictures and whatnot. congratulations!
thanks for the comment and the haircut and for being amazing.
now i should probably go back and actually read this post i'm commenting on. =)

grayson said...

thank you for the insight.